Carole Faucher is a social anthropologist currently based in Morocco. Her research focuses on issues pertaining to identity processes, political consciousness, schooling, and emotional wellbeing among children and young people living in fragile settings. Over the past 25 years she has conducted extensive research and taught in different parts of the world, including Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia and Central Asia. She holds a MSc degree from the Université de Montréal and a PhD from the National University of Singapore. She has held faculty positions at the University of Edinburgh, Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education in Kazakhstan, the University of Tsukuba in Japan, Mahidol University in Thailand and the National University of Singapore. She has been visiting fellow at various institutions, including the Université de Montréal, Université Clermont-Auvergne, Tbilisi State University, Kyoto University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, and the City University of Hong Kong.
Apart from acting as senior advisor and lead senior researcher with CARiCT, she is an affiliate researcher with the UNESCO Chair Global Health and Education, co-convenor the Network 8 Health Education and Wellbeing of the European Educational Research Association and member of the School for Health in Europe (SHE) research group. Her latest publications include: McLellan, R., Faucher, C., Simovska, V. (eds) (2022) Wellbeing and Schooling: Cross-cultural and Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives, London: Springer; Dagiev, D., Faucher. C (eds) (2019) Identity, History and Transnationality in Central Asia: the mountain communities of Pamir. London: Routldege.